Award Category
Inclusion and Community Services
For projects, products and services that target niche markets in order to break down the barriers that prevent some members of the community from fully participating in (and/or contributing to) society as well as projects, products and services that enhance the quality of life, well being and education of our general community .
Innovations may be from: Urban, Rural and Remote Services; Indigenous services, eLearning & education; Health and Wellbeing; Sustainability and Environment; NGOs; Disability Sector; Sport.
For projects that target niche markets in order to break down the barriers that prevent some members of the community from fully participating in (and contributing to) society.
Regional, Rural and Remote Services
This Award is presented to the most innovative nomination that target the improvement or providing regional rural and remote services. (The products should be focused on next generation improvement, supporting the development and competitiveness of the marketplace.)
Indigenous & Community Services
This Award is presented to the most innovative nomination for the product that target niche markets in order to break down the barriers that prevent some members of the community from fully participating in and contributing to society. (The products should be focused on next generation improvement, supporting the development and competitiveness of the marketplace.)
This Award is presented to the most innovative ICT solution for the improvement of Health and Well-being of the target community and enhance the quality of life. (The products should be focused on next generation improvement, supporting the development and competitiveness of the marketplace.)
Sustainability and Environment
This Award is presented to the most innovative nomination that target foster sustainability and Environmental Technologies for the improving the quality of life of general public or target community. (The products should be focused on next generation improvement, supporting the development and competitiveness of the marketplace.)
This Award is presented to the most innovative nomination for the ICT solutions for the delivery of education and training and promote education of the general community. (The products should be focused on next generation improvement, supporting the development and competitiveness of the marketplace.)