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Award Category

Students Research Project of the Year

This awards scheme is to recognize and reward undergraduate and postgraduate students who publish research papers to disseminate their project related findings in peer reviewed Conferences and Journals.

Evaluation will be conducted in a form of presentation and demonstration done by the applicant and review of published papers. 

1. Students need to have submitted an application to the NBQSA Competition either in Tertiary or Postgraduate Categories (Existing Eligibility Conditions For Tertiary/Postgraduate apply.)

2. The whole team of applicants need to be credited as co-authors including supervisor. The addition of other supervisors (such as external supervisors) is possible, but they will not be recognized by NBQSA, as the award will be for the team which comprises the original application stated in #1.

3. The first author of the papers should be a student, with the affiliation to the current Sri Lankan Higher Educational Institute/University Indicated. Supervisors may have either Local or Foreign affiliations, however it should include the supervisor certified by the University during NBQSA application process.

4. Papers should either be published on an online digital library such as IEEE Xplore as a Conference Paper / Journal Paper (With DOI) OR should be one which has received a notification of acceptance (via email from the Conference/Journal) and the Camera-Ready Copy has been prepared by the Deadline for NBQSA Tertiary/Postgraduate applications for the year.

5. Impact Scores / Rankings for the journal/conferences will be considered by the panel in deciding the final awardee.

6. BCS will not be publishing the paper either in full or in abstract form. Presentation to the judging panel is not constituted as a new presentation.

7. All papers related to submitted applications will be checked for plagiarism, and a count of higher than 15% under default settings on Turnitin will not be considered for further evaluation.

8. In the event of requesting further proof of documents by the NBQSA judging panel, the participant shall be obliged to provide such information even at a later stage of the competition

9. The NBQSA judging advisory committee reserves all rights on selecting or not selecting a project for an award.

Uniqueness (Application of Technologies, Innovation)

Proof of Concept (Understanding of the Problem to be Solved, Proposed Solution and Feasibility in the Business Environment (Pilot Trial))

Quality (Content & Standards, Product Stability & Reliability)

Research Impact (No. of Publications, H index of Journal / Conference, Impact Factor of Journal, Citations as per google scholar)

Presentation (Organization of Presentation, Enquiries)


In this globally competitive era the competition serves to showcase and benchmark Sri Lankan ICT products. The competition has been conducted in Sri Lanka by the Sri Lankan section of the BCS The Chartered Institute for IT since 1998

The Sri Lanka Section of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
#16, St Anthony’s Mawatha,
Colombo 00300
Sri Lanka

NBQSA © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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