NBQSA Award Categories
NBQSA Award Categories
Banking, Insurance & Finance, Digital Marketing / Advertising, Media & Entertainment, Retail & Distribution, Tourism & Hospitality, Market Places including Smart Home, Transaction for Properties, Goods & Services.
Regional, Rural and Remote Services, Indigenous & Community Services, Health and Well-being, Education Sustainability, Environment and Disaster Management.
Resources, Energy & Utilities, Agriculture, ICT Networks and Communication, Manufacturing, Engineering & Construction, Transport, Supply Chain Logistics, Sustainability & Environment.
Finance & Accounting Solutions (FinTech), Security Solutions, ICT Service Solutions, Marketing Solutions, Professional Service Solutions (Legal, HR Etc.).
Postgraduate Student Projects, Tertiary Student Projects (Technology), Tertiary Student Projects (Business).
Each entry entering in a Head category may also, if eligible, to receive a Technology award and/or a Cross Category award. An entry may not necessarily win a Head category award but may still be able to win a Cross Category and/or Technology award.
This award is presented to the most outstanding innovation addressed National Dissasters.